Kagawa Roads of Shikoku
Churenjimine Yacho Route

Churenjimine Yacho Route
You can enjoy a going on a wonderful, scenic hike from Churenjimine to Inohana Toge on National Highway 32 via Wakasamine.
Churenjimine Yacho Route(13.3km)
Spots to photograph
Momiji Bashi (Enter the name of the bridge)
If you wish to receive a certificate, please take a photo that includes yourself at the designated photo point for each course.
Nearby sightseeing spots
This is the source of water for central irrigation. Standing on the embankment, you will clearly see the silhouette of the Sanuki mountains, from Churenjimine to Mt. Umpenji, via Rokujizogoe.
2Momiji Bashi
This is a small bridge across a mountain stream. It’s name "Momiji Bashi” comes from the lone Momiji tree near the bridge.